15ha Perfect Horse Agistment Equestrian Property
295-2 Roberts Road, Maungatautari
Land Size: 15.03 hectares (37.14 Acres)
• Ideal as currently used with own 750m all weather track
• 5 stables, feed room, harness room, 7m diameter breaking ring in stable block
• Additional large concrete floored implement and workshop shed
• Both of the above have concreted driveway between
• 50m x 20m dressage arena adjacent to the stables and implement shed
• 13 main paddocks troughed with central race to all
• Approx 1.5 Ha mature native bush with mountain stream
• Grand large homestead, 3 bedrooms plus office. Magnificent established garden, which the stream runs through, with stunning views to the east
• Separate six year old one bedroom self-contained cottage
• Garaging for four cars
• A property that will appeal to discerning purchasers looking for views, privacy and scope to generate an income whilst having benefits of being close to Cambridge
• Contact Martin Lee for an appointment to view. Phone: 027 497 0830
• To be Auctioned 11.00am, Wednesday, 16 March 2016 (Unless Sold Prior)
1.Viewing is by appointment prior to the start of the auction programme.
2.Open days to be advertised at the start of the auction programme.